
Discover inside the temple, where spirituality and serenity unite to provide a space for contemplation and peace to your soul.

Temple Hall

It is a serene place where devotees gather to offer their prayers, immerse themselves in soul-stirring kirtan, and engage in profound spiritual activities. Here, the divine presence fills the air, creating an atmosphere of peace and devotion that nourishes the soul. Join us in this hallowed space to experience the profound spiritual journey that awaits.


Discover the wisdom of ages through our regular temple lectures. Enlightened speakers share timeless teachings, guiding seekers on a path of self-discovery and spiritual growth. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned spiritual practitioner or just beginning your quest for knowledge. Join us for these enlightening sessions.

Youth Forum

Dynamic platform that nurtures the spiritual aspirations of our younger generation. Through interactive discussions, workshops, and meditation sessions, it empowers them to deepen their spiritual connection while navigating the challenges of the modern world. Join our Youth Forum to embark on a transformative journey towards inner peace, purpose, and spiritual fulfillment.


Prasadam is not just food. It’s a divine offering of love and devotion. Every meal is prepared with utmost care and devotion, blessed by the Lord’s grace, and shared with all, symbolizing the unity and spiritual nourishment of our community. Join us to experience the profound joy of partaking in this blessed Prasadam and feel the spiritual connection it brings to your heart and soul.

Guest House​

The temple offers a peaceful resting place where visitors can experience the spiritual oasis. Situated in a peaceful setting, it provides comfortable accommodation for devotees. It’s a welcoming place to relax and recharge, providing a serene environment for your stay. Come, immerse yourself in the spiritual activities, and stay at our guest house to deepen your spiritual journey.

Function Hall

Temple has versatile multipurpose halls, a space designed to host a variety of events and activities. Whether it’s spiritual gatherings, cultural celebrations, or community events, the halls serve as a flexible hub for all occasions. Join us to create lasting memories and immerse yourself in the vibrant spirit that pervades every corner, connecting individuals and families in shared experiences.